Dear Ann (hopefully spelt correctly),

We are now back in the UK after our interesting and exciting 8 month stay in The Netherlands. We loved Rotterdam and what a wonderful and diverse city it is.

Our time there was special. Had we been able to sell our house in The UK, I am sure we would have been able to build a great life in Rotterdam.

Unfortunately we could not sell our UK house , so that is where we are now, and where we will now stay.

This will be brilliant and no trouble at all because our place is a lovely old farmhouse dating back to 1650, in a small quaint village, in the lovely and very beautiful

rural county of Somerset in the SW of England. Lotty’s life (and mine too) are enriched through our Rotterdam / Netherlands experience, even though sadly it only lasted 8 months.

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was for Lotty and me to meet you, and visit your most fascinating of shops. Lotty loves her plate as a special memento of her Rotterdam experience.

Her special friend who received the other plate from you was delighted with it and especially because it was an dutch blue originally.

Thought you might like to receive the 2 photos took when in your shop, just before we departed.

There are 2 photos of you and Lotty with her plate, and 1 general photo of your unique store full of treasures !

Do stay in touch; we will send our visitor friends to Rotterdam to visit your store, and will of course visit ourselves next time we are over.

You can email me,  but no trouble writing if you have time in Dutch or English.

Take care, with best wishes,

Chris & Lotty